American Military Response to Iranian attacks on US Military Personnel

February 3, 2024

There are two staple, guiding principles to American foreign policy; 

1- Peace is achieved through strength;

2- Weakness invites aggression. Murphy for Senate has dedicated its campaign for the Republican Nomination for NJ’s US Senate seat to the men and women serving in the US Military. Candidate Murphy stated, “I wholeheartedly support America’s military at all times when our troops are serving in war zones and facing danger from an array of foreign hostile threats.” While praising the US Military, candidate Murphy leveled scathing criticism toward the Biden Administration: “The Biden Administration watched passively from the sidelines while Iranian-backed militant proxies launched over 160 attacks against US Military Personnel stationed in Syria, Iraq, and the broader Middle East. The inevitable result of President Biden’s weak and ineffective foreign policy was the loss of three American soldiers.”

Critiquing the Biden Administration’s retaliation against Iranian-backed militants, Candidate Murphy continued his harsh criticism of Biden’s response. “By announcing to the world, that the US will not strike Iran directly, despite the fact that Iran is the root cause of Middle East instability and violence, the Biden Administration has utterly failed to achieve the objective of deterrence against Iran. Iran, the world’s number one state sponsor of terrorism, knows there will be no serious consequence resulting from their actions, which include Iranian proxies attacking US Military personnel.”